Let's just sit out here and watch the world go by for awhile. Are you a people watcher?....I am!...I check out their clothes, how they treat people....especially their children; their gestures and expressions.I really have strange thought processes sometimes!Look at that couple walking down the sidewalk. Her hands are waving all over the place....you know she is talking ninty miles an hour!!!He's walking along with his hands shoved in his pockets, eyes roving off in the distance...his whole attitude says 'boring'! I watch people a lot and have come to realize I'm seeing the same things, over and over...gestures, body language, facial expressions; even laughs and giggles. All seem to be universally the same, used to express something, or as a reaction to something.BUT...the really weird thing is....we all, each one of us, feel that each expression or reaction we use is unique to ourself.I know I sometimes catch myself wondering how many thousands of people have made the same gesture I just made, in response to the same thing??I've thought things which I have felt were really 'deep' and 'profound', and then wondered if anyone else ever thought that before. Then later on, I hear it from someone else, or read it in a book or article. I gotta tell ya....it's very deflating to ones ego!!We all use the same facial expressions to show sorrow, joy, tiredness, anger, and on and on. It's no wonder we can have little gremlin faces to use to indicate these feelings! They're universally the same.Have you ever noticed this while watching people? Or even thought about it before? Check it out sometime.Yet...these same universal reactions...in various combinations, help define our individual personality! And help make us recognizable as who we are. Authors use these in books to help define a character.It's all really weird to me....but then, maybe I'm weird! It makes me realize the truth to a passage in the Bible which simply says, "There is nothing new under the sun".Well, I hope I haven't bored you too much, or that you haven't found me too strange!!Hope you'll come around again, and I promise I won't be this odd too often....I hope See ya later, Shirls
1 comment:
Shirley, I too am very much a people watcher. I always think other people are so much stranger than I am. It's funny what you can catch people doing when they think no one is looking, or to try to speculate what their conversations are based on their expressions and gestures.
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