Saturday, October 18, 2008
Cool Weather
By last night it had gotten quite cold! I left all the windows open when I went to bed, and I dressed in warm sweat pants, sweat shirt and warm sox on my feet!! When I crawled into bed and lay there for a bit, I realized I would be TOO chilly.
But...I love sleeping in cold weather, and didn't want to shut the windows. So I got back up and dug out a warm, heavy quilt. I snuggled up under that and felt like I was all snuggled down in a nest.
I love that feeling! You 're all nice and warm down in your cocoon, but if you leave your nose outside the cover it gets cold. If my feet get too cold I have to add another layer of socks.The next morning, I wake up, and doze off again, 'cause it feels so good I don't want to move.
Fall is a wonderful time to sleep your life away!! I might crawl out of the covers long enough to....catch ya later!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I Don't know Why?!
Shirl's Poetic Heartbeat and one is Shirl's Poetic Musings .
They're all on blogstream and blogspot.
Now I have to find somewhere else to do somewhere else, and see what response I get. It is fun getting comments from people in those places.
It's like the posts you get back on here in answer to something you BH or somewhere.
I'm also thinking of starting a blog at the same place as my Lounge and Heartbeat, where I can write my fantasy stories. It might get me more motivated to write!! There is a guy on there that writes really dark fantasies in one of his blogs....he has like three blogs, also.
Well I'm going to watch the Presidential Candidates'm outta' here!! :)
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
My Conclusions About Men

Yes, they truly are from mars!!!
Since I don't go to bars anymore.....since my church has NO single, active, decent-aged men......and since my apartment building has none of the above...............
What is a woman to do??....Where do you go???
During the past two or three years I have seen a few men....they weren't easy to find, let me tell ya' !!!.......and one found me, my Ex.... These experiences have only served to verify the conclusions I had already drawn from the are, basically, sneaky....sly....devious....manipulating.....and yes, liars!!!
Sorry ladies, if you don't agree....and my apologies to my sons.....I know there are exceptions.........I just haven't found one yet!!!
The other difficulty is age. I am a reasonably healthy, active woman, and I don't THINK I am ugly. But I need to meet a man YOUNGER than me in order for him to be able to enjoy life with me (everyone my own age is in a wheelchair, uses a walker, shuffles, or don't walk at all). I need someone to keep up with me!! .......But then, what younger man wants an older woman??!!........It just becomes a vicious circle!!!......So, I'm stuck!!
You know what I did???........ I checked out! I did!!
You know what the conclusion there is?? are sneaky...sly...devious...manipulating...and yes, liars!!......Oh, sorry, did I repeat myself???!!!!
Here is another conclusion from Match: Most men, on average, aren't much taller than I am!......I always wanted to meet someone tall like my brothers.....hasn't happened, yet! Mostly their average height is between 5'6" and 5'10".
Two other things that struck me as weird:
When you tell Match for profiles of men within 50 miles of your hometown....they send them from California, all the way to Florida!!!!....What good does that do them or me??!!
And there is the other weird thing; Florida......Widowed men and women retire to is a MECCA for single men and women....Yet, most of the men on Match looking to meet someone, are from FLORIDA!!!! Why don't they look in their own backyard??! If I lived in Florida I wouldn't even think of Match......maybe I should move?!
I want someone to run around with, and who is CAPABLE of enjoying life....what am I to do??! (tears going on here!)
Shirls :(
Subject To Other's Whims! Really??!!