Here I am enjoying my PC, not bothering anyone......I have a good time with myself......when the downstairs innercom BLARS out!!!After picking myself up off the floor.....it scared the bejeeses out of me!!!.....I asked who it was.
I got yelled at!!! "Time for choir practice!!"I looked back at the button like, 'what the....'?!
Did I sign a life-n-death contract or something?..NO...Did I have to be there 'cause we have an 'event' coming up?...NO....Did I plan on being there?....NO...Did I want to slap someones silly face off?...YES!!!...Do I have to tell someone my comings and goings?....NO....Am I grown?....YES!!
I didn't say a word, just took my finger off the button. That's the equivelant of hanging up on someone. It felt goooooood!
Hey...I just got out of the shower; just finished coloring my hair; My hair and I are still wet; I'm not dressed?! I'm not going anywhere!!!
I Came back over here...got comfy in this chair, again, and went to my favorite place----cyberspace!!!Oh, if you come by to visit we can heft a cuppa...or something...together.
But, right now I guess I'd better go do something with myself.
Talk later, Shirl:)
Glad to see that you are back to blogging Shirls! I would have hung up on them too! You are a grown woman and can do as you please!!
Oh Shirley you crack me up sometimes, and it was just what the doctor ordered for me tonight! You tell 'em sister!!!
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